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Why Do Great Danes Lean On You? | 2024 Guide
Great Danes are amazing companions, but sometimes they can be a bit too clingy and lean on their owners. While most Great Dane owners don’t mind this, it can be a nuisance to others.
So why do Great Danes lean on you? Well, there are several possible reasons, but the most common is that they show affection for you.
Your dog may be telling you that they need your love and attention or simply that they are happy to be by your side!
Isn’t it lovely to be so loved? But the problem with this behavior is that it can get out of hand and can be difficult to manage.

Since Great Danes are gentle giants, their weight can be overwhelming, and moving these majestic creatures away from you may become more challenging than one might expect.
Fortunately, there are several steps you can follow to manage this behavior.
In this article, I’ll discuss the possible reasons why Great Danes lean on you and give advice on how to manage it.
6 Reasons Why Great Danes Lean
As a pet owner, I can think of six possible reasons why your Great Dane may lean on you.
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For Affection
As I have explained above, Great Danes often lean on humans to show their affection for their family or person. They are trying to show love and receive love in return.
This is also why dogs may lean when they are receiving a belly rub or getting petted.
If your Great Dane is leaning on your child or another family member, that’s much better because that shows that your pup loves and respects them too.
Sense of Security
Great Danes may lean on to find comfort and feel safe, especially if they feel anxious or scared in a certain situation.
Physical contact with the person gives the dog a sense of security and reassurance; hence they lean on you to find that comfort.
To Show Protective Behavior
Great Danes may also lean in an attempt to show protective behavior towards their loved ones. This could be a sign that the dog is feeling threatened but wants to protect those around them from harm.
However, you may find them aggressive in this situation. Your Dane may also growl or bark at others to show their protectiveness.
So, if you find your pup leaning and exhibiting such behavior, be sure to take the necessary precautions.
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To Show Affinity for Certain People
Some Great Danes may lean towards people they are close to, such as family members or other people they trust and feel comfortable around.

They may instinctively know that these specific people can offer them extra protection and security when needed, so they will always lean towards them as an act of loyalty and admiration.
They Are Tired
Well, this one is pretty self-explanatory. After a long day of running around and playing, your pup might just be exhausted and want to cuddle up with you.
So if your Great Dane is displaying this behavior after a run, don’t be surprised – just give them a good belly rub and cuddle up with them for a while. They’ll thank you later!
To Show Signs of Illness
While rare, it’s also possible that your Great Dane might be leaning because they aren’t feeling well or is experiencing discomfort due to an illness or medical condition like arthritis or hip dysplasia.
In that case, it’s best to take your Great Dane to the vet right away for proper medical attention and care.
How Do You Know If It Is A Medical Condition?
If your Great Dane suddenly starts leaning more than usual, has difficulty standing or getting up from a lying position, or seems to be in unusual levels of pain, it’s most likely due to a medical condition.
Other signs that it might be a medical issue include an unusual or foul-smelling odor coming from your Great Dane, limping or favoring one side of the body, and a general lack of energy or activity.
If you notice any of these symptoms, don’t delay—make an appointment with your veterinarian right away!
How To Manage Great Dane Leaning?
If your furry friend seems perfectly fine medically, then you’ll want to start training them not to lean. Below are some tips on how to do this:
Train Your Dog For Different Situations
Take your dog for regular walks or play fetch, so they can experience different situations and locations.
This will train your dog not to be afraid of new environments and people.
Encourage Him To Sit or Stand
Instead of allowing your pup to lean on you, encourage them to sit or stand next to you. Give them lots of treats and praise when they do this.
If you catch your dog leaning on someone, immediately redirect their attention to something else. Give them a toy to play with or ask them to sit and stay.
Say No To Aggressive Behavior
If your dog leans on you and shows aggressive behavior, you need to do something about it right away. Give them a firm “no” and redirect their attention to something else.

If that doesn’t work out, separate your dog and the person they were leaning on for a few minutes.
Give Them A Timeout If Everything Else Fails
Finally, put your dog in a timeout if all else fails. Let your dog know their behavior is unacceptable, and they need to take a break before continuing their training/day.
By doing this frequently, your dog will learn that leaning is not allowed, and they’ll eventually stop.
Reward Your Pup When He Doesn’t Lean On People
You can also reward your pup for not leaning on people. You can give them a small treat or let them play with their favorite toy whenever they don’t lean on people.
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This will reinforce the fact that leaning on others is not good behavior and should be avoided.
Be consistent with your dog’s training. This means you should redirect their attention every time they lean on someone and reward them for not leaning on people.
Bottom Line
In conclusion, the reasons why Great Danes lean on you are far more complicated than a simple show of affection.
It is important to understand the various contributing factors such as stress, comfort, and an instinctive need to protect humans.
By taking into account both their emotional and physical needs, you can create a better life for your Great Dane. As with any animal companion, mutual understanding is key to forming a strong bond with them.
Helpful Resources
Are Great Danes Good Guard Dogs?