Husky Tibetan Mastiff Mix ( The Ultimate Guide )

The Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix is a unique combination of these two breeds. As an offspring of one or both of these breeds, the Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix can be a sight to see!

These dogs are not uncommon and come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. One of the most notable features of a Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix breed is its looks. A mixed-breed dog will look like a cross between a Husky and a mastiff.

Some breeds of dogs exist solely due to human intervention. The breed was created in an attempt to combine the traits of two separate breeds of dogs into one, but there are some differences between them. Let’s go through everything you need to know about the Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix dog breed.

Husky Tibetan Mastiff Mix

About Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is a large, ancient dog breed. It has been used as a guard dog for centuries and is thought to have originated from the mastiff-type dogs of Tibet.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a large, ancient dog breed. It has been used as a guard dog for centuries and is thought to have originated from the mastiff-type dogs of Tibet. The earliest records of the breed come from China in 1070 A.D.

Tibetan mastiffs are large dogs. The weight of a male Tibetan mastiff is typically between 120 and 150 pounds. The weight of a female Tibetan mastiff is typically between 100 and 130 pounds.

About Husky

Husky dogs are a type of dog that has a thick coat and is usually heavier than other breeds. These dogs have been bred for cold climates, and are usually found in northern regions of the world.

Huskies were originally bred in Siberia to pull sleds, but these days they are mainly kept as pets.

Huskies are very energetic and playful, but they also need a lot of exercises. They can be trained to pull sleds in winter, but they need a lot of time outdoors every day. They are not great with children or other pets, so it is best to keep them away from them. It is important that huskies get enough food because they can overeat if given the chance.

History of the Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix

Husky Tibetan Mastiffs are a very rare breed of dog, and their history is not well documented. They are thought to have originated in Tibet, as the name implies, but this is speculation.

They were first imported into the United States in 1958 by a breeder from China. In 1979, they were recognized as a breed by the American Kennel Club.

Temperament of Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix

The temperament of a Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix can be unpredictable and difficult to predict. They are intelligent and loyal dogs that will be protective of their family, but they can also be stubborn and independent.

They can be friendly with strangers and good with children but can be aggressive if not properly trained.

The Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix is an energetic dog that needs to be exercised daily. We recommend that this breed should be trained by a professional trainer and socialized with other dogs and people as often and as early as possible.

How big will a Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix get?

The Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix will get up to 100 – 150 pounds on average. This will depend on the size of the parents. It will also depend on if the Tibetan Mastiff is the father or the mother. This breed will most likely be similar to the mother.

Are Husky Tibetan Mastiff mixes healthy dogs?

They are a large breed and is a large breed comes with health issues that the owner needs to know about.

The Husky is prone to hip dysplasia and other genetic disorders, and the Tibetan Mastiff is prone to heart disease and also hip and elbow dysplasia.

You can expect the mix of these two breeds to have hip and elbow issues hence it is best to take care of the puppy and not overwork them.

What should you feed Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix?

Husky Tibetan Mastiff mixes are a medium to large-sized breed. They need a diet that is similar to the Siberian Husky’s, but with less protein.

You should also feed them some vegetables and fruits each day.

The Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix is a dog that needs to be fed a high-quality, grain-free diet. This mix is prone to obesity and should be fed food with limited carbohydrates and calories choose a canned food that is made for dogs of this size.

If you are a person who likes to feed their dogs raw food then that is fine as well. You can give them raw chicken or turkey neck, wings, bones, and organic eggs. Mix it with vegetables and fruits and your puppy will love you for it.

Is Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix hypoallergenic?

The Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix is not hypoallergenic. The husky component of the mix can cause allergic reactions in those who are allergic to dogs.

Is Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix good family dog?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. Husky Tibetan Mastiff mixes are healthy dogs and make excellent pets. They are loyal and loving companions, and they can be trained to do a variety of tasks.

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Do Husky Tibetan Mastiff mixes shed a lot?

Husky Tibetan Mastiff mixes are not as high maintenance as the Husky, but they still shed a lot as it has Husky in them. you will need to regularly brush them. We recommend that you find a good groomer and visit them every 3 months.

How much exercise will a Husky Tibetan Mastiff mix require?

Daily exercise is something that this mixed breed dog needs, especially since it’s a combination of two breeds with big builds. To ensure this pup stays fit, give him half an hour when they are young. When they grow up, you can enjoy a long walk with them for an hour a day or two walks if you can. They also need to be given the opportunity to play off-leash in a safe area.

Make sure to give them plenty of mental stimulation, you don’t want this breed to be bored. They may dig holes in your backyard or worst, they may start exploring your neighbour’s properties.

How much does a Husky Tibetan Mastiff cost?

The price of a Husky Tibetan Mastiff depends on the breeders. The average price is $3,000 to $4,000.


In conclusion, it’s clear that people are attracted to this dog breed not only due to their beautiful looks but also because of their impressive size. Their temperament is calm and they are obedient if trained properly, which makes them great dogs for families.

It’s clear that people are attracted to these dogs not only because of their beautiful looks but also due to their impressive size. They have a calm temperament and are obedient if trained properly, making them great family dogs.