Some owners of Cane Corsos have a preference for a certain type of physical characteristics for their furry friend.
Cane Corso ear cropping and tail docking are used for cosmetic purposes. If you’re thinking about getting a Cane Corso puppy, your breeder will most likely discuss options like tail docking, dewclaw amputation, and ear trimming with you.
If you don’t know anything about these changes, you’re going to have many questions. Here’s all you need to know about designing a Cane Corso.
One of the considerations should be whether you like a cropped or natural-looking puppy. The technique, cutting styles, shapes, recuperation, taping procedure, aftercare, and anything that you’ll want to learn about Cane Corso ear cropping and tail docking will all be explained in this article.
If you’re a first-time puppy buyer trying to think about ear cropping, I’d be willing to share knowledge and my expertise to help you make an informed decision.
If you have a lot of Cane Corso pups with cropped ears and a lot of Cane Corso dogs with un-cropped floppy ears, then it’s crucial for you to have great knowledge. When deciding on an ear crop, there are several factors to consider.
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Cane Corso Tail Docking
What is tail docking and how does it work?
Tail docking is the procedure of removing a part of a dog’s tail while it is still a puppy. Tail docking a Cane Corso may be accomplished in one of two ways: surgical removal or the use of medical-grade bands to limit blood supply to the tail’s end until it falls away naturally.
In any case, the surgery is performed when the puppy is still relatively young.
Is it necessary to tail dock the Cane Corso?
Many individuals consider tail docking to be an unnecessary cosmetic procedure. However, similar to ear cropping, this surgery is for the dog’s health. The following are some of the health benefits of tail docking:
- For a working Cane Corso, this aids in preventing tail injuries.
- It prevents the dog’s overall beauty from being harmed by mangling the tail.
- Ensures that the Cane Corso is eligible to compete in various competitions.
Although tail docking isn’t strictly essential, it is an excellent idea for your Corso.
Is it painful for pups to have their tails docked?
Tail docking is traumatic for Cane Corso pups. Many veterinarians advise against docking their tails if it is not essential. However, since this procedure is so popular and required, many owners dock their Cane Corsos’ tails at a young age.
However, the procedure is identical to that of surgery. The vet must cut their skins and muscles. As a result, the pups must endure the trauma of having their tails docked.
Is docking a dog’s tail deemed cruel?
Docking a dog’s tail may be cruel. A dog’s tail is docked for a good cause most of the time. Even docked tails protect the dogs from injury. Docking tails, on the other hand, is a painful experience.
Even dogs may experience distress after having their tails docked. They may have behavioral issues as a result of having their tails docked. So, unless it’s essential, don’t dock your dog’s tail. The price is significant because
How much does it cost to dock the tail of a Cane Corso?
Tail docking for a Cane Corso will cost on average between $200 and $350. The price is significant because they need medication, antibiotics, and post-operative procedures.
The cost may be as high as $600 as the price varies depending on the age of the person and other factors. So you’ll need more than $200 to dock a Cane Corso’s tail.
Cane Corso Ear Cropping
What are the main styles of Cane Corso ear cropping?
Here is a type of ear cropping for Cane Corso. Ear cropping is defined by the clamps or modules used by the vet during the surgical operation. And each breed has its own set of characteristics.
Ear cropping may be done in four different ways:
- Battle crop
- cropped short
- Show crop
- The tall crop
The battle crop is the smallest ear crop style, with just about one-third of the ear remaining. Cropping like that isn’t common in Cane Corso, but I noticed it in a few key lines.
The Cane Corso breed is also known for having a long or tall crop. It’s the most extended crop style, with 34% of the ear remaining. It’s long and slender, with a sharp tip.
Italian Mastiffs’ most common ear crop styles are short and show crops. The first ear is around 2/3 the length of the short crop leaves. A show crop is a more pointed and concise variation of a short crop. As the name implies, this style is mainly used for show dogs.
Health benefits of ear cropping
When Cane Corsos enjoy with other animals, their floppy ears are frequently injured. They nibble on each other’s ears. Cane Corsos have cropped ears to protect them from injuries while playing with other dogs.
The Cane Corse’s characteristic floppy ears may be detrimental to its health. With anything in their ears, they may readily sustain damage. Cropped ears prevent this from happening.
The natural ears of the Cane Corso are blocked. As a result, if the ears don’t receive enough air and sunshine, the infection may spread. As a result, clipped ears protect them from disease.
Health risk issue of ear cropping
Cropping a dog’s ears is, unfortunately, cruel. Cropping the ears is a miserable time. Though there may be valid reasons for clipping a dog’s ears, it may be an unpleasant procedure. For their protection, some dogs must cut their ears.
Cropping a dog’s natural ears may sometimes induce psychological trauma and fear. It may also have a short- and long-term effect on the dog’s behavior. Cropping a dog’s ears is thus cruel.
How to choose the right vet for your Cane Corso’s ear cropping
Choosing a veterinarian to cut your Cane Corso puppy’s ears is a significant choice. While many veterinarians can and will crop ears, few understand a Cane Corso ear crop.
You are strongly advised to check with your veterinarian to see if he has any expertise with Cane Corso crops and can show you at least 4-to 5 images of mature Cane Corso dogs that he has cropped.
We’ve seen far too many dogs suffer from terrible harvests as a result of doctors who claimed to know what they were doing. Keep in mind that if you receive a lousy crop, your dog will be stuck with it for the rest of its life.
How much is ear cropping on a Cane Corso?
Ear Crop might be expensive; cropping a dog’s ears costs at least $150. The price may vary according to the Cane Corso’s age. Cropping ears is challenging and uncomfortable for dogs.
The price is $150-600. But the usual cost is $250-300. So, ear clipping isn’t cheap. During ear cropping, pre-and post-operative antibiotics, medications, etc., are required.
So clipping Cane Corso ears is not cheap. Some veterinarians may charge more than others. So it depends on a lot. The technique is also fairly pricey.
What is the best time for ear cropping and tail docking?
Let’s begin with the tail docking. Between the 3rd and 5th day of puppy life, breeders, mainly from the United States, do it.
Some breeders in other areas of the globe tail docking puppies when they clip their ears. Because the pup has already been medicated and anaesthetized for ear clipping, it is hazardous to put it under anaesthesia again and divide these brief surgeries. At the fourth vertebrae, the tail should be docked.
The best time for ear trimming and tail docking is between 8 and 12 weeks. That is the time when pups are mature enough and strong enough to tolerate the operation, yet their cartilage is still young enough to heal quickly and straighten their ears.
Cropping and docking older dogs is possible, but the treatment is more difficult due to thicker ear cartilage and a longer and more difficult time elevating those ears.
In addition, since an adult dog’s recovery process is slower, aftercare is more challenging. The tail is fully developed and thick during this time, making docking very difficult.
Ear Cropping and docking a Cane Corso puppy beyond twelve, and ultimately fourteen weeks of age, in my view, is late and should not be done, and I doubt any certified veterinarian would do it.
Are ear cropping and tail docking harmful?
Is it possible for a puppy to die during the procedure? I’m afraid I have to say yes. Ear cropping and tail docking are simple procedures that any skilled veterinarian can do, although the danger of anaesthetic is always there.
Unfortunately, a drug may induce heart failure, allergies, or breathing issues, all of which might result in a puppy’s death. There’s also a chance of bleeding and wound collapse over the incision.
A puppy must have heart, lung, or allergy problems that the owner is unaware of in all situations. Unfortunately, that’s how I found out about a veterinarian that can promise 100% safe ear clipping and docking.
Infection and bacteria are also a problem during the postoperative period. Pay special attention to the germs on the tail wound.
You must maintain the area where your dog spends its time cleaning, particularly seven days after the treatment and a few days after the sutures are removed.
Examine the wounds on your puppy regularly. Contact your veterinarian right away if you detect an unusual color or scent or if you observe a puppy walking strangely or refusing to eat his food.
What is the procedure for ear cropping and tail docking?
Ear cropping and tail docking is a straightforward surgical technique that involves the removal of sections of the ear and tail.
Before taking the puppy to the vet, one of the most important things to remember is not to feed it. 10 to 12 hours before surgery, you must cease feeding your puppy. 5 to 6 hours before surgery, limit your dog’s access to water.
The process begins with administering a pre-anaesthetic, sedative, and analgesic medicine to relax the puppy’s muscles.
The anaesthetic will be administered intravenously or by gas via a breathing tube if one has been previously implanted after a few minutes. The puppy gets knocked out quite quickly. Throughout the surgery, the veterinarian should monitor his respiration.
The puppy’s ear will then be fitted with clamps or modules. The form of the scar, and hence the shape of the ear, is determined by clamps. Every dog breed has clamps on its ears to give them a natural appearance. That is what distinguishes them.
- Stitching the ears’ edges is the next step.
- The tail should be capped at the fourth vertebrae and all the way around with a short snip.
- Of course, it was tying the end with little than 4 or 5 stitches.
- After 15 minutes, the puppy should be woken from an anesthetic. After that, leave it in the vet’s office for an hour or longer to ensure a positive reaction.
- And that concludes the ear cropping and tail docking treatment, which should take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour.
Helpful Resouces:
VCI Hospital guide on tail injuries
Cane Corso’s growth stage guide
Treat you should give your Cane Corso
Helpful Video
Dogs’ ears and tails have traditionally been cropped and docked. Cane Corso ear cropping and tail docking were sometimes thought to prevent rabies.
To avoid injury in bear and wolf fights, they trimmed their dogs. Some of them used their earpieces to feed their dogs to make them more aggressive.
Apart from working line dogs, most Cane Corso clipping and docking are done for cosmetic reasons. Is this, however, the truth?
Is it only a matter of clipping the Italian Mastiff’s ears to create a more dangerous-looking dog? The true protector.
Or were the cropped ears and docking tail, done in that particular form and shape, a characteristic of the Cane Corso’s look many years ago?